Voice API Programming Guide — June 2005 71
Call Progress Analysis
PAMD Qualification Template: the algorithm to use in PAMD. At present there is only one
template: PAMD_QUAL1TMP. This parameter must be set to this value.
maximum time to wait for positive answering machine detection or positive voice detection
after a cadence break. Default Value: 400 (in 10 msec units).
minimum allowable ring duration for positive answering machine detection. Default Value:
190 (in 10 msec units).
7.13 Default Call Progress Analysis Tone Definitions on Springware BoardsTable7 provides call progress analysis default tone definitions for Springware boards. Frequencies
are specified in Hz, durations in 10 msec units, and repetitions in integers. For information on
manipulating these tone definitions, see Section 7.14, “Modifying Default Call Progress Analysis
Tone Definitions on Springware Boards”, on page71.
7.14 Modifying Default Call Progress Analysis Tone Definitions on Springware BoardsOn Springware boards, call progress analysis makes use of global tone detection (GTD) tone
definitions for three different types of dial tones, two busy tones, one ringback tone, and two fax
tones. The tone definitions specify the frequencies, durations, and repetition counts necessary to
identify each of these signals. Each signal may consist of a single tone or a dual tone.
Table7. Default Call Progress Analysis Tone Definitions (Springware)
Tone ID Freq1
(in Hz)
(in Hz)
On Time
(in 10 msec)
Off Time
(in 10 msec) Reps
TID_BUSY1 500 ± 200 55 ± 40 55 ± 40 4
TID_BUSY2 500 ± 200 500 ± 200 55 ± 40 55 ± 40 4
TID_DIAL_LCL 400 ± 125
TID_DIAL_INTL 402 ± 125
TID_DIAL_XTRA 401 ± 125
TID_DISCONNECT 500 ± 200 500 ± 200 55 ± 40 55 ± 40 4
TID_FAX1 1650 ± 100 20 ± 20
TID_FAX2 1100 ± 50 25 ± 25
TID_RNGBK1 450 ± 150 130 ± 105 580 ± 415
TID_RNGBK2 450 ± 150 450 ± 150 130 ± 105 580 ± 415