180 Voice API Programming Guide — June 2005
R2/MF Signaling
Table24. Meanings for R2/MF Group I Forward SignalsTone
Number Intel Define (A) Primary Meaning (B) Secondary Meaning
1 SIGI_1 (A)Digit 1 (B) Language digit-French
2 SIGI_2 (A)Digit 2 (B) Language digit-English
3 SIGI_3 (A)Digit 3 (B) Language digit-Germa n
4 SIGI_4 (A)Digit 4 (B) Language digit-Russian
5 SIGI_5 (A)Digit 5 (B) Language digit-Spanish
6 SIGI_6 (A)Digit 6 (B) Spare (language digit)
7 SIGI_7 (A)Digit 7 (B) Spare (language digit)
8 SIGI_8 (A)Digit 8 (B) Spare (language digit)
9 SIGI_9 (A)Digit 9 (B) Spare (discriminating digit)
10 SIGI_0 (A)Digit 0 (B) Discriminating digit
11 SIGI_11 (A)Access to incoming operator (Code 11) (B) Country co de indicator:
outgoing half-echo suppressor required
12 SIGI_12 (A)Access to delay operator (code 12); request not accepted (B) Country
code indicator: no echo suppressor required
13 SIGI_13 (A)Access to test equipment (code 13); satellite link not included (B) Te st ca ll
14 SIGI_14 (A)Incoming half-echo suppressor required; satellite link included
(B)Countr y code indicator: outgoing half-echo suppressor inserted
15 SIGI_15 (A)End of pulsing (code 15); end of identification (B)Signal not used