Voice API Programming Guide 187
16.Syntellect License Automated
AttendantThis chapter discusses Intel® hardware and software that include a license for the Syntellect
Technology Corporation (STC) patent portfolio:
•Overview of Automated Attendant Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
•Syntellect License Automated Attendant Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
•How to Use the Automated Attendant Function Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
16.1 Overview of Automated Attendant Function
The information in this chapter does not apply to DM3 boards. In addition, it only applies to
As a result of a patent license agreement between Dialogic and Syntellect Technology Corporation
(STC), you can purchase products that are licensed for specific telephony patents held by
Syntellect Technology Corporation directly from Intel. These patents cover a range of common
functions used in computer telephony such as automated attendant, automated access and call
processing to facilitate call completions.
One way to protect yourself from possible patent infringement is by purchasing specific Intel
hardware and software that include a license for the Syntellect Technology Corporation (STC)
patent portfolio. Boards that support the Syntellect License Automated Attendant have “STC”
included in the part number.
By doing so, you participate in a program that covers past, present and future applications. (Any
Intel product that does not contain the “STC” designation in its part number is not licensed under
the STC patent portfolio.)
The Syntellect software is designed to be incorporated into any type of application. If your
application requires patented Syntellect technology, you can use the API function calls in the
Syntellect software to assure that licensed STC-enabled hardware is in the system, and if so, you
can implement the patented functions.
The Syntellect hardware and software package offers a superset of features not available on non-
STC boards. They include:
•a new library of API function calls
•a sample automated attendant application that can be integrated in your voice processing
application. The automated attendant:
–checks for an incoming call
–answers the call and plays a voice file