Voice API Programming Guide — June 2005 125
Send and Receive FSK Data
information about two-way FSK transmission, see Telcordia Technologies Special Report SR-
3462, A Two-Way Frequency Shift Keying Communication for the ADSI.
In addition to features provided by basic ADSI, two-way FSK for ADSI can be used in the
following applications:
sending and receiving e-mail between display-based ADSI phones and the server
sending FSK caller ID data to a CPE device
10.6 Fixed-Line Short Message Service (SMS)
Fixed-line short message service or SMS is a service that allows text messages to be sent and
received in the PSTN network. SMS is also known as small message service or text messaging.
The voice library supports the creation of fixed-line SMS applications through the
dx_RxIottData( ), dx_TxIottData( ), and dx_TxRxIottData( ) functions.
Fixed-line SMS solutions can be created using the standard Telcordia Technologies (formerly
Bellcore) ADSI specification or using the ETSI-FSK specification ETSI ES 201 912.
The ETSI-FSK specification differs from the ADSI FSK specification in these ways:
It uses a different physical layer. Settings for channel seizure and mark length differ. For more
information on FSK transmission requirements, see ITU-T EN 300 659-2 specification.
It uses different handshaking and timing specifications.
On DM3 boards, to set the voice channel to ETSI compatibility, use the two-way FSK parameters:
more information, see Section 10.7.1, “Library Support on DM3 Boards”, on page126.
On Springware boards, to set the voice channel to ETSI compatibility, specify the two-way FSK
transmit framing parameters in the voice.prm file. For more information on these parameters, see
the Configuration Guide for Springware boards.
10.7 ADSI and Two-Way FSK Voice Library Support
The voice library functions and data structures that support ADSI and two-way FSK are discussed
in the following topics:
Library Support on DM3 Boards
Library Support on Springware Boards