Voice API Programming Guide — June 2005 205
libsrl.so 190
libsrlmt.lib 191
line signals, R2/MF signaling 176
linear PCM 90, 91
library files 190, 191
variables 191
loop current detection 44
parameters affecting a connect 69
use in call progress analysis 69
media loads 39
memory requirements, R2/MF 186
message waiting dial tone 162
modem detection 68
modem tone detection 53
mu-law PCM 90
multiprocessing 38
multithreading 38
named event 188
non-cadenced tone 160
OKI ADPCM 90, 91
one-way ADSI
implementing 128
technical overview 128
operator intercept
SIT tones 73
outgoing register 175
outgoing register,R2/MF signaling 175
PAMD 55, 70
PAMD See Positive Answering Machine Detection 70
parameter files, voice.prm 94
patent license
Syntellect 187
PBX call progress signals
cadenced tone generation 157
standard 160
PerfectCall call progress analysis 44
physical board
definition 25
enumeration 26
playback 87
pausing and resuming 99
positive answering machine detection 45, 70
positive answering machine detection, DM3 55
positive voice detection 44
positive voice detection using call progress analysis 70
positive voice detection, DM3 55
post-connect call analysis 44
pre-connect call progress 44
Private Branch Exchange (PBX) Switching Equipment
requirements 166
programming models 23
prompts, cached 141
R2/MF signaling
backward signals 177, 179
compelled signaling 183
DDI (Direct Dialing-In) service 176
DNIS (Dialed Number Identification Service) 176
forward signals 176
Group I and II signals 178
incoming register 175
maximum number of tones 186
multifrequency combinations 176
signal meanings 177
Voice board support 185
r2_creatfsig( )
use in R2/MF signaling 185
r2_playbsig( )
use in R2/MF signaling 185
recall dial tone 162
recording 87
with silence compression 93
with voice activity detector 95
reorder tone 162
resources, coupled/independent 36
ringback detection 52, 67
ringback tone 162
ringback tone (call waiting) 162
ringback tone (slow 162
ringback tone (slow) 162