Voice API Programming Guide — June 2005 41
Application Development Guidelines
http://resource.intel.com/telecom/support/tnotes/gentnote/dl_soft/tn253.htm. For CSP, see
6.4.7 Tone Detection Considerations
The following consideration applies to tone detection on DM3 boards:
•Digits will not always be cleared by the time the dx_clrdigbuf() function returns, because
processing may continue on the board even after the function returns. For this reason, careful
consideration should be given when using this function before or during a section where digit
detection or digit termination is required; the digit may be cleared after the function has
returned or possibly during the next function call.
6.5 Using Wink SignalingThe information in this section does not apply to DM3 boards.
The following topics provide information on wink signaling which is available through the
dx_wink() function:
•Setting Delay Prior to Wink
•Setting Wink Duration
•Receiving an Inbound Wink
6.5.1 Setting Delay Prior to Wink
The information in this section does not apply to DM3 boards.
The default delay prior to generating the outbound wink is 150 msec. To change the delay, use the
dx_setparm( ) function to enter a value for the DXCH_WINKDLY parameter where:
delay = the value entered x 10 msec
The syntax of the function is:
int delay;
delay = 15;
If delay = 15, then DXCH_WINKDLY = 15 x 10 or 150 msec.
6.5.2 Setting Wink Duration
The information in this section does not apply to DM3 boards.
The default outbound wink duration is 150 msec. To change the wink duration, use the
dx_setparm( ) function to enter a value for the DXCH_WINKLEN parameter where: