ERP2U Power Supply Design Guide, V1.0
6.1.3Required Peripheral Power Connectors
Connector housing: Amp
Contact: Amp
Table 8: Peripheral Power Connectors
Pin | Signal | 18 AWG Color |
1 | +12V2 (or +12V3) | Yellow |
2 | COM | Black |
3 | COM | Black |
4 | +5 VDC | Red |
Note: The +12V power to peripherals may be split between 2 or 3 channel for the purpose of limiting power to less than 240VA.
6.1.4Required Floppy Power Connector
Connector housing: Amp
Table 9: P9 Floppy Power Connector
Pin | Signal | 22 AWG Color |
1 | +5 VDC | Red |
2 | COM | Black |
3 | COM | Black |
4 | +12 V2 (or +12V3) | Yellow |
Note: The +12V power to peripherals may be split between 2 or 3 channel for the purpose of limiting power to less than 240VA.
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