Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
192 12/12/00 Version 1.02
10.2.1 EFI_FILE.Open()Summary
Opens a new file relative to the source file’s location.
OUT EFI_FILE **NewHandle,
IN CHAR16 *FileName,
IN UINT64 OpenMode,
IN UINT64 Attributes
This A pointer to the EFI_FILE instance that is the file handle to the source
location. This would typically be an open handle to a directory. Type
EFI_FILE is defined in Section 10.2.
NewHandle A pointer to the location to return the opened handle for the new file.
Type EFI_FILE is defined in Section 10.2.
FileName The Null-terminated string of the name of the file to be opened. The file
name may contain the following path modifiers: “\”, “.”, and “..”.
OpenMode The mode to open the file. The only valid combinations that the file may
be opened with are: Read, Read/Write, or Create/Read/Write. See
“Related Definitions”.
Attributes Only valid for EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE, in which case these are
the attribute bits for the newly created file. See “Related Definitions”.