Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
236 12/12/00 Version 1.02
Revision The revision of the EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE Protocol. All
future revisions must be backwards compatible. If a future
version is not backwards compatible it is not the same GUID.
Start Starts the PXE Base Code Protocol. Mode structure information
is not valid and no other Base Code Protocol functions will
operate until the Base Code is started.
Stop Stops the PXE Base Code Protocol. Mode structure information
is unchanged by this function. No Base Code Protocol functions
will operate until the Base Code is restarted.
Dhcp Attempts to complete a DHCPv4 D.O.R.A. (discover / offer /
request / acknowledge) or DHCPv6 S.A.R.R (solicit / advertise /
request / reply) sequence.
Discover Attempts to complete the PXE Boot Server and/or boot image
discovery sequence.
Mtftp Performs TFTP and MTFTP services.
UdpWrite Writes a UDP packet to the network interface.
UdpRead Reads a UDP packet from the network interface.
SetIpFilter Updates the IP receive filters of the network device.
Arp Uses the ARP protocol to resolve a MAC address.
SetParameters Updates the parameters that affect the operation of the PXE Base
Code Protocol.
SetStationIp Updates the station IP address and subnet mask values.
SetPackets Updates the contents of the cached DHCP and Discover packets.
Mode Pointer to the EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE data for this
device. The EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE structure is
defined in “Related Definitions”.