Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
472 12/12/00 Version 1.02
Image Services (cont.)
StartImage(), 71
UnloadImage(), 72
overview, 67
images, loading, 13
implementation requirements
general, 21
optional elements, 22
required elements, 21, 23
information, resources, 6
Intel Architecture Platform Architecture,
definition of, 366
general categories, 15
purpose, 14
ISO-9660, 314
Itanium architecture
firmware specifications, 9
requirements, related to this specification,
LLBA. See Logical Block Address
legacy Master Boot Record, 314
and GPT Partitions, 316
Partition Record, 315, 316
legacy MBR, 305, 308, 316
legacy systems, support of, 11
LFN. See long file names
little endian, 12
Load File Protocol, 209, 246
LoadFile(), 210
GUID, 209
Interface Structure, 209
Loaded Image Protocol, 105
Unload(), 108
GUID, 105
Interface Stucture, 106
Revision Number, 105
logical block address, 308
long file names, 306
MMaster Boot Record, 129, 305
MBR, 314. See Master Boot Record. See
Master Boot Record
media formats, 317
Memory Allocation Services
function list, 42
AllocatePages(), 45
AllocatePool(), 53
FreePages(), 48
FreePool(), 54
GetMemoryMap(), 49
overview, 42
memory map, 42
Memory Map, definition of, 367
memory type, usage
after ExitBootServices(), 42
before ExitBootServices(), 42
migration requirements, 11
migration, from legacy systems, 11
Miscellaneous Services
function list, 95
GetNextHighMonotonicCount(), 102
GetNextMonotonicCount(), 101
InstallConfigurationTable(), 103
ResetSystem(), 96
SetWatchdogTimer(), 98
Stall(), 100
overview, 95
NName space, 117
EFI Device Path as a, 343
NVRAM variables, 319
Ooperating system loader, definition of, 36 3
OS loader, definition of, 363
OS Loader, EFI, 110
overview of design, 9
Ppartition discovery, 308
Partition Header, EFI, 309
partitioning scheme, EFI, 309