Version 1.02 12/12/00 473
PCANSI terminals, and
PCI Expansion ROM, 327
driver for EFI, 329
image types, 329
PCI Expansion ROM Header
EFI, 328
standard, 327
PE32+ image format, 109
plug and play option ROMs
and boot services, 14
PMBR. See Protective MBR
prerequisite specifications, 8
Protective MBR, 316
Block I/O, 173
Console I/O, 151
Device I/O, 137
Device Path, 117
Disk I/O, 183
File Handle, 190
File System, 187
Load File, 209, 246
Loaded Image, 105
PXE Base Code, 235
Serial I/O, 213
Simple File System, 187
Simple Input, 152, 154
Simple Network, 277
Simple Network, 235, 246
Simple Text Output, 157
Unicode Collation, 225
Protocol Handler Services
function list, 55
functions, 55
HandleProtocol(), 64
InstallProtocolInterface(), 57
LocateDevicePath (), 65
LocateHandle(), 62
RegisterProtocolNotify(), 61
ReinstallProtocolInterface(), 60
UninstallProtocolInterface(), 59
overview, 55
Protocol Handler, definition of, 368
Protocol Interface, definition of, 369
protocols, 19
code illustrating, 20
construction of, 19
list of, 20
PXE Base Code Protocol, 235
Arp(), 267
Dhcp(), 251
Discover(), 253
Mtftp(), 257
SetIpFilter(), 266
SetPackets(), 271
SetParameters(), 268
SetStationIp(), 270
Start(), 247
Stop(), 250
UdpRead(), 263
UdpWrite(), 261
GUID, 235
Interface Structure, 235
Revision Number, 235
Rreferences, 6
related information, 6
runtime services, 15
Runtime Services, 25
Runtime Services Table, EFI, 111
Runtime Services, definition of, 369
SSerial I/O Protocol, 213
GetControl(), 222
Read(), 224
Reset(), 217
SetAttributes(), 218
SetControl(), 220
Write(), 223
GUID, 213
Interface Structure, 213
Revision Number, 213
services, 14