Serial I/O Protocol
Version 1.02 12/12/00 219
The SetAttributes() function sets the baud rate, receive-FIFO depth, transmit/receive time
out, parity, data bits, and stop bits on a serial device.
The controller for a serial device is programmed with the specified attributes. If the Parity,
DataBits, or StopBits values are not valid, then an error will be returned. If the specified
BaudRate is below the minimum baud rate supported by the serial device, an error will be
returned. The nearest baud rate supported by the serial device will be selected without exceeding
the BaudRate parameter. If the specified ReceiveFifoDepth is below the smallest FIFO size
supported by the serial device, an error will be returned. The nearest FIFO size supported by the
serial device will be selected without exceeding the ReceiveFifoDepth parameter.
Status Codes Returned
EFI_SUCCESS The new attributes were set on the serial device.
EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the attributes has an unsupported value.
EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The serial device is not functioning correctly.