Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
380 12/12/00 Version 1.02
Table G-4. !PXE Structure Field Definitions (continued)
Identifier Value Description
Implementation Varies Identifies type of UNDI
(S/W or H/W, 32 bit or 64 bit) and what features have been implemented.
The implementation bits are defined below. Undefined bits must be set to zero
by UNDI implementors. Applications/drivers must not rely on the contents of
undefined bits (they may change later revisions).
Bit 0x00: Command completion interrupts supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x01: Packet received interrupts supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x02: Transmit complete interrupts supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x03: Software interrupt supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x04: Filtered multicast receives supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x05: Broadcast receives supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x06: Promiscuous receives supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x07: Promiscuous multicast receives supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x08: Station MAC address settable (1) or not settable (0)
Bit 0x09: Statistics supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x0A,0x0B: NvData not available (0), read only (1), sparse write supported
(2), bulk write supported (3)
Bit 0x0C: Multiple frames per command supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x0D: Command queuing supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x0E: Command linking supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x0F: Packet fragmenting supported (1) or not supported (0)
Bit 0x10: Device can address 64 bits (1) or only 32 bits (0)
Bit 0x1E: S/W UNDI: Entry point is virtual address (1) or unsigned offset from
start of !PXE structure (0).
Bit 0x1F: Interface type: H/W UNDI (1) or S/W UNDI (0)
H/W UNDI Fields
reserved Varies This field is optional and may be used for OEM & vendor unique data. If this
field is present its length must be a multiple of 16 bytes and must be included
in the !PXE structure checksum. This field, if present, will always start on a
16 byte boundary.
Note: The size/contents of the !PXE structure may change in future revisions
of this specification. Do not rely on OEM & vendor data starting at the same
offset from the beginning of the !PXE structure. It is recommended that the
OEM & vendor data include a signature that drivers/applications can
search for.