Extensible Firmware Interface Specification
372 12/12/00 Version 1.02
Trivial File Transport Protocol (TFTP)
A protocol used to download a Network Boot Program from a TFTP server.
An industry standard internationalized character set used for human readable message
Unicode Collation Protocol
A protocol that is used during boot services to perform case-insensitive comparisons of
Unicode strings.
Universal Serial Bus (USB)
A bi-directional, isochronous, dynamically attachable serial interface for adding
peripheral devices such as serial ports, parallel ports, and input devices on a single bus.
See Universal Serial Bus.
Variable Services
The set of functions used to manage variables. Includes GetVariable(),
SetVariable(), and GetNextVariableName().
Virtual Memory Services
The set of functions used to manage virtual memory. Includes
SetVirtualAddressMap() and ConvertPointer().
Watchdog Timer
An alarm timer that may be set to go off. This can be used to regain control in cases
where a code path in the boot services environment fails to or is unable to return control
by the expected path.
See Wired for Management.
Wired for Management
Refers to the Wired for Management Baseline Specification. The Specification defines a
baseline for system manageability issues; its intent is to help lower the cost of computer