Alphabetic Function Lists
Version 1.02 12/12/00 349
Table E-1. Functions Listed in Alphabetic Order (continued)
Function Name Service or Protocol Sub-Service Function Description
GetTime Runtime Services Time Services Returns the current time and date,
and the time-keeping capabilities
of the platform.
GetVariable Runtime Services Variable Services Returns the value of the specific
GetWakeupTime Runtime Services Time Services Returns the current wakeup alarm
clock setting.
HandleProtocol Boot Services Protocol Handler
Queries the list of protocol
handlers on a device handle for
the requested Protocol Interface.
Initialize Simple Network
Resets the network adapter and
allocates the transmit and receive
buffers required by the network
interface; also optionally allows
space for additional transmit and
receive buffers to be allocated
InstallConfigurationTable Boot Services Miscellaneous
Adds, updates, or removes a
configuration table from the EFI
System Table.
InstallProtocolInterface Boot Services Protocol Handler
Adds a protocol interface to an
existing or new device handle.
Io.Read Device I/O Protocol Reads from I/O ports on a bus.
Io.Write Device I/O Protocol Writes to I/O ports on a bus.
LoadFile Load File Protocol Causes the driver to load the
requested file.
LoadImage Boot Services Image Services Function to dynamically load
another EFI Image.
LocateDevicePath Boot Services Protocol Handler
Locates the closest handle that
supports the specified protocol on
the specified device path.
LocateHandle Boot Services Protocol Handler
Locates the handle(s) that support
the specified protocol.
Map Device I/O Protocol Provides the device specific
addresses needed to access host
memory for DMA.
MCastIPtoMAC Simple Network
Allows a multicast IP address to
be mapped to a multicast HW
MAC address.
Mem.Read Device I/O Protocol Reads from memory on a bus.
Mem.Write Device I/O Protocol Writes to memory on a bus.