32/64-bit UNDI Specification
Version 1.02 12/12/00 453
G.4.15.3 Checking Command Execution ResultsAfter command execution completes, either successfully or not, the CDB.StatCode field
contains the result of the command execution.
StatCode Reason
SUCCESS Command completed successfully. Non-volatile data is updated from
CPB and/or written to DB.
INVALID_CDB One of the CDB fields was not set correctly.
INVALID_CPB One of the CPB fields was not set correctly.
BUSY UNDI is already processing commands. Try again later.
QUEUE_FULL Command queue is full. Try again later.
NOT_STARTED The UNDI is not started.
NOT_INITIALIZED The UNDI is not initialized.
UNSUPPORTED Requested operation is unsupported.
Check the width and number of non-volatile storage items. This information is returned by the Get
Init Info command.
typedef struct s_pxe_db_nvdata {
// Arrays of data items from non-volatile storage.
union {
// Array of byte-wide data items.
PXE_UINT8 Byte[n];
// Array of word-wide data items.
PXE_UINT16 Word[n];
// Array of dword-wide data items.
PXE_UINT32 Dword[n];
} Data;