FPC 5084 User Manual

1.2.2 I/O System

￿Standard I/O

￿One RS-232 and one RS-232/422/485

￿Two USB 2.0


￿One RTL81111b Gigabit Ethernet


￿One Line-out


￿One Mini card


￿One socket for CF card


￿Two 2×5 box header for COM3, COM4

1.2.3 System Specification

￿8.4” TFT LCD

￿Heat Dispensing Design

￿Net Weight

￿1.3 Kgs (2.87 lb)

￿Dimension (Main Body Size)

￿251x205x 44.6mm

￿Operation Temperature

￿0￿ to 45￿

￿Relative Humidity

￿10% to 90% @ 40￿, Non-Condensing


￿5 to 500 Hz, 2.0 G random for CF card



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Intel N270, FPC 5084 user manual 2 I/O System, System Specification