MIB (Management Information Base) ◆ The specification that defines objects for referencing variables such as integers and strings. In gen- eral, it contains information about the network’s management and performance (for example, traffic parameters). See also IP (Internet Protocol).
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) ◆ The largest packet that can be sent over a given medium.
multicast ◆ A technique that allows copies of a single packet or cell to be passed to a set of destinations.
NET (Normes Européennes de Télécommunication) ◆ European standards for approving and testing equipment.
network ◆ An interconnection of multiple stations or systems that are able to send messages to and receive messages from one another.
NSAP (Network Services Access Point) ◆ In the OSI environment, the SAP between the network and the transport layers. It identifies a Data Terminal Equipment by a unique address.
NT1 (Network Termination 1) ◆ The device that connects to your ISDN hardware and also works as a converter between an ISDN U interface and an ISDN S/T interface. An NT1 converts a line from a 2- wire to a
NT2 (Network Termination 2) ◆ An NT2 handles termination for multiple B channels on a PRI line. NT2s are typically found embedded in PBXs or switches on network servers which support Primary Rate Interface (PRI).
OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model ◆ The
model defined by the ISO for data communications.
PABX ◆ Private Automatic Branch eXchange.
PBX (Private Branch eXchange) ◆ PBX is a private telephone switch. It is connected to groups of lines from one or more central offices and to all of the telephones at the location served by the PBX.
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