
MIB (Management Information Base) The specification that defines objects for referencing variables such as integers and strings. In gen- eral, it contains information about the network’s management and performance (for example, traffic parameters). See also IP (Internet Protocol).

MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) The largest packet that can be sent over a given medium.

multicast A technique that allows copies of a single packet or cell to be passed to a set of destinations.

Multi-link PPP Allows you to combine two or more B-channels into a single, faster PPP connection. With Multi-link PPP, you can have a 128 Kbps PPP connection over a Basic Rate ISDN line.

NET (Normes Européennes de Télécommunication) European standards for approving and testing equipment.

network An interconnection of multiple stations or systems that are able to send messages to and receive messages from one another.

NI-1 (National ISDN1) A specification for a standard ISDN phone line. National ISDN 1 is intended to be a set of standards to which every manufacturer’s equipment should conform for maximum interoperability. NI-2 and NI-3 are future standards currently under development.

NSAP (Network Services Access Point) In the OSI environment, the SAP between the network and the transport layers. It identifies a Data Terminal Equipment by a unique address.

NT1 (Network Termination 1) The device that connects to your ISDN hardware and also works as a converter between an ISDN U interface and an ISDN S/T interface. An NT1 converts a line from a 2- wire to a 4-wire connection. Some ISDN adapters have an NT1 already built into them.

NT2 (Network Termination 2) An NT2 handles termination for multiple B channels on a PRI line. NT2s are typically found embedded in PBXs or switches on network servers which support Primary Rate Interface (PRI).

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model The 7-layer protocol

model defined by the ISO for data communications.

PABX Private Automatic Branch eXchange.

PBX (Private Branch eXchange) PBX is a private telephone switch. It is connected to groups of lines from one or more central offices and to all of the telephones at the location served by the PBX.


Interphase Corporation