Installing and Setting Up the Drivers

When RAS installation is complete, a message informs you that Remote Access Service has been successfully installed, and reminds you to use Remote Access Admin or User Manager in the Administrative Tools Folder to assign RAS permissions to users.

4.Click OK.

To continue the software installation, set up ISDN B channels as RAS ports, as described in the next section.

Setting Up ISDN B Channels as RAS Ports

After RAS is installed, you can set up ISDN B channels as RAS ports, using the Add RAS Device dialog:

Figure 4-12. Add RAS Device

This dialog appears after you respond OK to the message that Remote Access Service must be invoked or that Remote Access Service has been successfully installed.

To set up the IDSN B channels:

1.Click OK to select the first ISDN B channel (ISDN1- SynWan).


Interphase Corporation