NAS Management
5.The Step 1 page should now appear. To set the information for file sharing, please enter the workgroup name (make sure this matches the workgroup on your network), the computer descrip- tion and share folder name. You can create more share folders after the initialization process.
6.Click the Next button to continue HD initialization. (Click the Cancel button to leave the HD initialization process.)
7.The Step 2 page should now appear. In this page we set which user(s) or group(s) can access the shared folder. Please refer Chapter 9 to establish the users and groups.
8.In the Selection field, select the Users radio button to share the folder by users or select the Groups radio button to share by groups.
9.Click the Next button. At this point, the system starts to initialize the hard disk. A percentage bar shows the progress. Note: Users without Java will get an
error message. You can ignore and return to the main wizard screen to see the current percentage. It will not update unless you refresh your browser.
10.When the formatting is finished, it shows “Initializa- tion – Complete.”
11.In NAS Management
The HD status should display the hard drive infor- mation. It includes the model name, serial number, size, S.M.A.R.T, status of the HD and the Initialize button. The S.M.A.R.T. field is disabled by default and the message in the S.M.A.R.T. column is “Dis- able.” You can enable the S.M.A.R.T function if your drive supports this. It will report to the system when the HD is broken. The message in the S.M.A.R.T column will change to “Pass” (Figure 8.1a).
To modify and/or create more share folders, please refer to section 8.3.