Correcting and cutting programmed counter dataCorrecting program counter data

1 Double click on the line of the scene you want to modify.

OR . . .

Select the line to be modified and click Modify Edit Points on the controller.

•The Modify Edit Points dialog box will appear allowing the In point, Out point, memo or tape change to be changed.

2 Click ¶ƒ, or enter the desired numbers from the keyboard, and then click OK.


The Modify Edit Points dialog box can be displayed by selecting Modify Edit Points by clicking with the right mouse button.

Click the Memo field when you want to enter text in the Memo field.

Modifying the Length of a Scene

1 Select the scene by clicking the Program Select buttons on the controller.

(You can also select the scene by clicking on the line of the desired scene.)

2 Click In point or Out point on the controller and select the time code you want to modify.

3 Modify by increasing or decreasing the time code one frame at a time by clicking Trim+ or Trim–.


This makes simple modifications convenient without having to constantly bring up the Modify Edit Points dialog box.

Cutting a scene

1 Click on the scene you want to cut.

2 Select Edit Delete.

•The message "Delete 1 Scene(s)?" appears.

To cut the scene, click Yes.


A scene can be deleted by selecting Delete by clicking with the right mouse button.