Cutting all programmed scenes1 Select Edit — Select All.
2 Select Edit — Delete.
•The message "Delete (number) Scene(s)?" appears.
To cut all the scenes, click Yes.
All scenes can be deleted by selecting Delete by clicking with the right mouse button.
Copying a programmed scene to another position1 Click on the scene you want to copy.
2 Select Edit — Copy.
3 Clickpaste.on the scene number you want to
4 Select Edit — Paste.
• It is not possible to paste scene 00.
• Copy — Paste operations are possible by clicking with the right mouse button.
Transferring a programmed scene to another position1 Click on the scene you want to transfer and select Edit — Cut.
2 Clickpaste.on the scene number you want to
3 Select Edit — Paste.
Cut — Paste operations are possible by clicking with the right mouse button.