Adding a scene ........................................

Z pg. 49

Adding images to an album ......................

Z pg. 27

Automatic Capture ....................................

Z pg. 14

Automatic Capture button ......................

Z pg. 9,14


Background Color

..................................... Z pg. 19

BMP (Bitmap) ..........................

Z pg. 12, 21, 24,


Border .......................................................

Z pg.



Capture button ......................................

Z pg. 9, 11

Clipboard ..................................................

Z pg. 28

Connecting another device .......................

Z pg. 51

Control window ........................................

Z pg. 10

Copying a programmed scene ...................

Z pg. 50

Correcting program counter data ..............

Z pg. 48

Counter display ...................................

Z pg. 36, 37

Counter indicator ........................................

Z pg. 9

Cutting all programmed scenes .................

Z pg. 50

Cutting a scene .........................................

Z pg. 48


Dubbing ...................................................

Z pg. 43

Dubbing onto one tape using two


or more tapes ............................................

Z pg. 49

DV Controller button ..................................

Z pg. 8

DV Controller window ............................

Z pg. 8, 9

DVF ..............................................

Z pg. 12, 22, 29


Elapsed Time .......................................

Z pg. 36,


Exit (Close) ............................................

Z pg. 6,



Fade/Wipe Effect buttons .........

Z pg. 36, 37, 44, 45

Field (Image Correction) ................

Z pg. 17, 20, 21

First Image button .....................................

Z pg. 10

Forward Frame Advance button

.............. Z pg. 8, 9

Full Screen ................................................

Z pg. 17


Help menu ................................................

Z pg. 40

HTML format ......................................

Z pg. 12, 30


ID Change ................................................

Z pg. 51

Image Correction ......................................

Z pg. 17

Image Viewer button ...................................

Z pg. 8

Image Viewer window ..............................

Z pg. 10

Imported Image .........................................

Z pg. 13

Index display section ..................................

Z pg. 8

Index image ................................................

Z pg. 8

Index window .............................................

Z pg. 8




EN 55


Last Image button ......................................

Z pg. 10



Mask color ................................................

Z pg. 13

Memo ...........................................

Z pg. 36, 37, 48

Modifying the length of a scene ................

Z pg. 48

Movement (Image Correction) .......

Z pg. 17, 20, 21



Next Image button .................................... Z pg. 10


Open a program list ..................................

Z pg. 47

Open button ...............................................

Z pg. 8

Operating the video source unit ................

Z pg. 41

Operation buttons for video source unit ......

Z pg. 9

Open Editor menu ....................................

Z pg. 29

Overwriting a file ......................................

Z pg. 47


P.AE/Effect buttons ...................

Z pg. 36, 37, 44, 45

Play button .....................................

Z pg. 9, 11, 14

Playing back all programmed scenes ........

Z pg. 42

Playing back one programmed scene ........

Z pg. 42

Power button ..............................................

Z pg. 9

Previous Image button ...............................

Z pg.10


Record timing ...........................................

Z pg. 52

Reverse Frame Advance button ...............

Z pg. 8, 9


Save Album button ................................

Z pg. 8, 47

Saving the program list ..............................

Z pg. 46

Serial port .................................................

Z pg. 35

Setting in/out points ..................................

Z pg. 41

Slide Show ................................................

Z pg. 16

Slide Show button ...............................

Z pg. 10, 16

Stop button ...............................

Z pg. 9, 10, 11, 16


Time Code

.................................................. Z pg. 9

Toolbar ...........................................

Z pg. 8, 10, 18


Video Producer control buttons .........

Z pg. 36 – 40

Video source unit operation


buttons ..............................................

Z pg. 36 – 40

Video source unit selection .......................

Z pg. 35


Wide Image Format ...................................

Z pg. 13

JLIP Initialization ...................................

Z pg. 7, 35

JPEG .................................

Z pg. 12, 20, 24, 29, 30

JPEG Quality Slider ...................................

Z pg. 20