Index images are displayed as an album in the Index window.





Open button

Opens an album file or image file.

Save Album button

Saves images in the Index window as an album file.

DV Controller button

Opens the DV Controller window for control of the connected video source unit from your PC.

Image Viewer button

Opens the Image Viewer window and displays the captured image at full size.

2Index display section

The captured images are displayed in this section.

3Index image

Each index image consists of a thumbnail image and its time code.


Each toolbar button function can also be performed from the menu bar.

To hide the toolbar, select View Toolbar.


The DV Controller window closes automatically when a slide show is started, or when Edit Open Editor or Edit Copy in Image Viewer is selected.

When using the Forward/Reverse Frame Advance buttons to control a video source unit that has no Frame Playback function, the video source unit will initiate slow playback for a few seconds, then stop. On some video source units, each frame advance may not be the exact length of a proper frame.

The DV Controller window may not correspond to the status of the video source unit if a remote control unit is used to control it.