Programme lists

The highlighted line can bow be prepared for deletion by pressing the ￿button. The control programme now asks: "Do you want to delete this channel?"

Confirm your desired selection by pressing the corresponding button.

Press the ￿button to delete the programme slot. If necessary, you can now continue to delete the next programme slot.

Press the ￿button 3 times to return to the TV screen. Confirmation is given that your changes have been saved and the information display of the programme cur- rently received appears for several seconds on the screen.

To add a programme manually

Basically follow the same procedure for sorting in order to add a channel. Press the main menu button ￿to access the main menu:

Select "programme list" by pressing the ￿￿buttons.

With the ￿￿buttons you can now choose whether you wish to edit the TV or radio list and confirm your selection with ￿.

The screen now shows the menu for adding a programme. Press ￿or ￿to select the position „￿“ and confirm with ￿.

A new menu is now displayed where you can enter the details of the new pro- gramme.

The first line in the list is highlighted by a coloured bar.

Press the ￿￿buttons to move the bar vertically to the desired position.

Press the ￿￿buttons or numerical buttons to edit the relevant position, i.e. to make the necessary entries.

It is possible to set

￿￿the received satellite,

￿￿the transponder, the transponder frequency,

￿￿the polarisation and

￿￿the symbol rate

This procedure is only useful for transmitters, which don't send DVB signals. Oth- erwise, please use the search function.


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Image 26
Kathrein UFD 505 To add a programme manually