Setting system parameters

Summer time

See above. Changeover in spring or fall.

Confirm by pressing ￿two times.

TV type

Use the ￿￿buttons to specify whether your TV set is a



￿￿NTSC unit

Confirm by pressing ￿two times.

Picture format

Use the ￿￿buttons to select the type of picture format, either

￿￿4 : 3 format or

￿￿16 :9 format.

Confirm by pressing ￿two times.


Use the￿￿buttons to select the type of screen display:

￿￿conventional (P/S) = standard representation for 4:3 units or

￿￿widescreen picture (letter box display off) - in this settings, the widescreen is required for the 16:9 unit.

Confirm by pressing ￿two times.

A/V mode

Here, you use the ￿￿buttons to select the type of video signal which is present on the Scart socket. Select the signal which your TV set is able to process.

Observe the operating instructions of your television set!

￿￿FBAS –composite baseband signal (colour-/picture-/blanking-/synchronising- signal)

￿￿RGB – red-/green-/blue-signal

￿￿Y/C – S-VHS signal (luminance/chrominance).

Confirm by pressing ￿two times.


Page 33
Image 33
Kathrein UFD 505 manual Summer time, TV type, Picture format, Screen, Mode