3-20. Log
This function shows the log data. The switch provides system log data for users.
There are 16 private trap logs, 5 public trap logs. The switch supports total 120 log
entries. For more details on log items, please refer to the sec tion of Trap/Alarm
Configuration and SNMP Configuration.
Function name:
Log Data
Function description:
The Trap Log Data is displaying the log items including all SNMP Private Trap
events, SNMP Public traps and user logs occurred in the system . In the repor t
table, No., Time and Events are three fields contained in each trap record.
Fig. 3-68
Parameter description:
Display the order number that the trap happened.
Display the time that the trap happened.
Display the trap event name.
Auto Upload Enable:
Switch the enabled or disabled status of the auto upload function.