LANIER 1/3rd Scale Laser 200 ARF -IN STRU CTIONS
© 2002 Lanier R/CPage-11
firew all, behind the blind nuts.
69. D rill (5) 3/32” holes on each side of the firewall,
through the fuse sides about 1” deep. P ress a
wood toothpick into the hole, then cut off flush
with som e wire sn ips. A pply several drops of
thin CA on each toothpick.
70. M ark on the firew all the location where the
throttle control rod sh ould pass through. Drill
the marked hole with a 1/8”aircraft drill bit.
71. U sing your servo as a guide, glue the two
hardwood servo blocks to the fuse side using 30
minute epoxy. Cut a sm all piece of balsa
triangle stock to fillet the servo rails and fasten
with CA.
72. M ake sure your carburetor and throttle servo are
at low position. Reverse your servo if necessary.
Thread the 2-56 clevis on the 12” rod, then snap
the clevis on the servo arm. Install an EZ
connector in the hole on your carbu retor
approximately the sam e length of the servo arm.
Trim the throttle control rod to approximate
length, then insert through the hole in the EZ
connector. Tighten the connector enough to test
the throw of the servo and adjust as need ed to
allow for maximum throw , but not bind the
servo. When sa tisfied, trim the control rod to ¼”
past the EZ connector. Install the servo horn
screw . When everything is fit, then fuel proof
the firewall with polyurethane or thinned epoxy.
73. T est fit the cow l over the engine to see what
needs to be relieved. SHAVE THE
74. Use masking tape to mark the areas that need to
be removed for the head of the engine to clear
the cowl, then test fit.