Lanier LASER 200 warranty USE Locktite on this Bolt, Locatethefueltank and rem oveallthe

Models: LASER 200

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LANIER – 1/3rd Scale Laser 200 ARF -INSTRUCTIONS

83.Bolttheaxlethrough thelanding gearwith the axlespointing out.Usethread lock on thebolt.

84.Installthetipoftheaxlethroughthepant,thena collar,the4”wheeland collar,then slidethe assem bly alltheway down theaxle.Tightenthe wheelcollarso thatitdoesnotbind thewheel againstthewheel.

85.Align each wheelpantto thefuseso thatitis levelwith thethrustlineand thereardoesnot drag theground,andkeepthepairequal.Drilla 1/8”holein thelanding gearto align with the4- 40 blind nut,then installtheboltand washer.


86.Locatethefueltank and rem oveallthe

com ponentsforassem bly. Check theinsideof thetank forany dustorplasticshavings.Blow outifneeded. Ifyou aregoing to useaglow engine,you needtoreplacethestopperandline with siliconeparts.

87.Bend them etalfueltubesso theventlinefits into thebutton on thetop,and thepickuplineis angled toward thebottom justafew degrees, then insertin thefuelstopper. Inserttheclunk on theend ofthesiliconefueltubing and cutto requiredlengththatallow ittom ovefreelyatthe end ofthetank. Insertthenutand boltin the stopper,then installthestopperin thetankand tighten.

© 2002 LanierR/C


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Lanier LASER 200 warranty USE Locktite on this Bolt, Locatethefueltank and rem oveallthe