Using CLOUD Solution
Label Tab
The Label tab allows the administrator or host to
add customized information to the portal.
Discovery Tab
The Discovery configuration tab allows the admin-
istrator to easily find a portal in the PCoIP system.
The Discovery parameters can also be configured
using the Webpage Administration Interface.
<Figure 2-9: Label Configuration>
<Figure 2-10: Discovery Configuration>
yPCoIP Device Name
In the PCoIP Device Name field, the administrator
can specify a logical name to the host or portal.
The default value is PCoIP-host-MAC or PCoIP-
Portal-MAC, where MAC is the MAC address of
the host or portal.
yPCoIP Device Description
In the PCoIP Device Description field, the admin-
istrator can add specific information, such as the
endpoint location, or add a description to the host
or portal.
This field cannot be used in the PCoIP firmware
and accessibility is strictly limited to the administra-
yGeneric Tag
In the Generic Tag field, the administrator can add
a generic tag to the host or portal.
This field cannot be used in the PCoIP firmware
and accessibility is strictly limited to the administra-
yEnable Discovery
If the Enable Discovery option is selected, a de-
vice will use SLP Discovery to dynamically locate
the peer device without requiring any information
about the location of the device in the network.
This means that the configuration and mainte-
nance work in a complicated system can be signifi-
cantly reduced.
As SLP Discovery requires a multicast-enabled
router, the recommended search structure is DNS-
SRV Discovery.
yThe portal label parameters can also be con-
figured using the Webpage Administration
yThe Discovery parameters can also be con-
figured using the Webpage Administration