To dial up and connect to the Internet
1.On your computer, click Start > Control Panel.
3.Click File > Create a new Connection.
4.In the New Connection Wizard, click Next.
5.Click Connect to the Internet the click Next.
6.Select Set up my connection manually then click Next.
7.Select Connect using a
8.Select the modem that you previously installed, then click Next.
9.Enter a descriptive name for this connection, then click Next.
10.Enter the telephone number as *99# or Vender support number(ex, *99***1#), then click Next.
11.Under Internet Account Information, you may not need to enter a user name and paddword when using GPRS. Just click Next to proceed.
12.Click Finish to exit the wizard.
13.The Connect dialog box then opens, Click Properties to check again whether the LGEWML USB Modem is selected. If it is correct, click OK, and then, return to the connect dialog box.
14.Click Dial to dial up and connect to the Internet.
Mobile Zip
Mobile Zip is an archiving tool that allows you to extract and store files in Zip format.