You can call easily with the smart dial feature. If you press any one or more buttons on the dialpad, the screen displays the phone number or the names in Contacts or Call History starting with the number(s) or characters you enter. Then, you can select the number you want to call.
vIf you tap a wrong number, tap the Back arrow ( ) to erase individual numbers one at a time. To delete all the numbers, tap and hold the Back arrow.
Call History Tap the Send key , then select Call History.
Your phone saves the most recent missed, received and dialed calls, along with the call lengths in the Call history menu. From this menu, you can easily place a call to the most recent dialed, received or missed calls.
Make a call
Making a Call from Phone
1.On the Home screen, press the Send key to open the keypad.
2.Key in the number using the keypad and tap the Send key or the Send button on the screen.
3.To end the call, press the End hard key or the End button.
Making a Call from your contacts
1.Tap Start > LG Menu > LG Contacts or tap Contacts on the bottom left of your Home screen.
2.Scroll to the contact you want to call.
3.Tap the contact to select it and press the Send key .