Changing your Phone Settings Tap Start > LG Menu >Phone Settings in the Settings tab
You have the freedom to adapt the eXpoTM to your preferences.
Date & Time - Adjust your date and time settings, or choose whether to receive notification when the time is updated.
Ringtone & Alerts - Choose your ringtone type: Normal, Vibrate All, Silent All, Outdoor, and Automatic.
Themes & Wallpapers - Choose your phone's Theme and Wallpaper.
Power & Backlight - Set up the Power and Backlight settings for Battery and External. Lock - Set the lock mode status.
Fonts - Adjust the text size to see more content, or increase the readability in many programs. Memory Manager - Your eXpoTM has three possible memories: the phone itself, the SIM Card, and an external memory card that you may need to purchase separately. You can use memory manager to determine how each memory is used and see how much space is available.
Using the Screen Outputs Tap Start > LG Menu > Screen Outputs in the Settings tab
Pico Projector (sold separately) - Projects eXpoTM’s screen onto the screen or wall. TV Out- Allows you to output to TV.