LG Electronics MBA 9120 Servicing The Sale, Method of Adding Value, What Will I Say or Do for the

Models: MBA 9120

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Company Name: LG Electronics________

Product Name: Internet refrigerator (IR)


Method of Adding Value

What Will I Say or Do for the

Post-sale Courtesy Contacts





(Frequency, Items to





discuss, New offerings)



Suggestion Selling:





Suggest other products offered by

“LG Electronics does offer a

Send customer a thank you card or



LG Electronics

microwave that contains some

email and let them know of any




impressive features. Would you like

special offers or new products.




for me to show you a few models

Reassure them that if they have





any questions and/or concerns,





they can contact me.








Offer other products to customer

“We offer some of the most advanced

Keep the customer informed of any




washers and dryers, as well as

and all non-related products we




combination units if space is critical; I

offer if it coordinates with the




would love to show you these very

customer’s data that we obtained




impressive machines at any time of

throughout the entire process. May




your convenience.”

also want to get an update from the





customer because their preferences





and/or circumstances may have













Phone call

Call customer to make sure that the

Call should be made on the day



delivery and installation process was

that the unit was being installed.







timely and cooperative.

Time of call depends on time of





scheduled delivery and the





customer’s schedule.









Send card thanking the customer for

Thank you card need only be sent



their purchase and include a few

once, but other reminder cards can







business cards for them to pass

be sent when new products are




around. Make sure to include the

released. Include a survey and/or a




website address.

form asking if any one they know is





interested in LG’s products and





make sure it is okay to use their





name when contacting the referrals.








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LG Electronics MBA 9120 manual Servicing The Sale, Method of Adding Value, What Will I Say or Do for the, Customer