type of terminal unit. This improves the control of the air | ROOM |
temperature in the building. |
BOILER INDOOR DESIGN TEMPERATURE | The room is the desired room temperature for the building |
and provides a parallel shift of the heating curve. The room | |
| temperature desired by the occupants is often different from |
The indoor design temperature is the room temperature that | the design indoor temperature. If the room temperature is |
was used in the original heat loss calculations for the build- | not correct, adjusting the ROOM setting increases or |
ing. This setting establishes the beginning of the character- | decreases the amount of heat available to the building. A |
ized heating curve, see Figure 15 below. | ROOM setting is available for both the occupied (day) and |
| unoccupied (night) periods. |
The control provides for a selection between six different terminal unit types: two types of radiant floor heat, fancoil,
FIG. 15
The outdoor design temperature is the outdoor air tempera- ture that is the typical coldest temperature of the year where the building is located. This temperature is used when doing the heat loss calculations for the building. If a cold outdoor design temperature is selected, the boiler supply tempera- ture rises gradually as the outdoor temperature drops. If a warm outdoor design temperature is selected, the boiler supply temperature rises rapidly as the outdoor temperature drops.
The design supply temperature is the supply water temper- ature required to heat the building when the outdoor air tem- perature is as cold as the outdoor design temperature.
When the outdoor air temperature rises above the WWSD setting, the control turns on the WWSD pointer in the dis- play. When the control is in Warm Weather Shut Down, the boiler demand pointer is displayed if there is a boiler demand. However, the control does not operate the heating system to satisfy this demand. The control does respond to a DHW or set point demand and operates as described in sections E & F.