At left, a list of nearest restaurants to your current position can be displayed. To search for a specific restaurant by name, select the Name Filter option; "Taco" search results are shown at right.
Navigating to the Selected POI
Now that you have a list of nearest POIs (and know how to read it), choose the one that suits you best, and touch its line on the screen. The iWAY will then show you a Location Information Screen with details about the POI you've chosen.
Since this is the result of a POI search, the Location Information Screen will likely have the name of the POI, its street address, and probably even its phone number. (That can be very helpful for calling ahead to get a table at a restaurant.) Much more important to you are the Go To and Find On Map commands.
You can choose Find On Map to make the iWAY close the Location In- formation Screen and move the map so that it's centered on the se- lected POI. This can be helpful if you're trying to figure out where it is in relation to your own position, or to some other part of town.
Right now, we're just trying to get to the gas station, though, so choose GO TO. The iWAY will generate a route from your current position (or last known position, if it doesn't have a satellite lock) to the selected destination.
There are several optional settings that control exactly how the iWAY generates its route. These options are discussed in detail in Sec. 4. See the heading "Route Options" there for more details.
As soon as the route is generated the iWAY will draw the course of your route in magenta on the map, and begin providing visual and spo- ken directions along the route. You can skip ahead to the heading "Following iWAY's Instructions" if you're interested in exactly how the iWAY directs you along your course, or you can keep reading to see the other sorts of searches available on the Find Menu.