Each 1/4” line out jack (Output 1 and 2) sends a -10dB unbalanced signal on 1/4” TS plugs (tip-sleeve).They are designed to be plugged into a mixer, stereo receiver, powered speakers, or any other line level input such as a mixdown deck or tape recorder.

Channel 1 of the M-Audio Ozone provides a microphone input on a balanced XLR connector. Channel 2 has a balanced 1/4” TRS (tip-ring- sleeve) connector for connecting a balanced or unbalanced instrument level signal.This input is ideal for recording an electric guitar, bass, or an acoustic guitar with a pickup. Either one of the M-Audio Ozone’s input channels can be recorded individually, or you can record them simultaneously.

The Aux Input accepts a stereo signal via a TRS cable. You may need to purchase a cable that converts a pair of stereo outputs (individual RCA or 1/4” TS) into a single 1/4” TRS connector to plug into the M-Audio Ozone’s Aux Input.Your M-Audio dealer should have a cable like this, often called an “insert cable.”

You may connect the output of a line level instrument such as an electronic keyboard, instrument preamp, or the output of a CD player or similar line-level device to the M-Audio Ozone’s Aux Inputs.

The M-Audio Ozone’s Mic In (Channel 1), accepts a balanced, low impedance microphone signal. If your microphone is a condenser type that requires phantom power, you may apply phantom power by engaging the Phantom Power switch (see the section entitled “Phantom Power”). The Instrument In (Channel 2) will accept a balanced or unbalanced high impedance guitar, keyboard, or microphone.

The following diagrams illustrate two scenarios, intended as examples of how the M-Audio Ozone might be used. Typical Setup #1 shows the M- Audio Ozone with a microphone plugged into the Mic In on Channel 1, and an electric guitar plugged into the Instrument In on Channel 2. The main outputs (Output 1 and 2) of the M-Audio Ozone are plugged into a DAT recorder, with the recorder’s outputs connected to a monitoring system. Typical Setup #2 shows a drum machine plugged into the Aux Inputs, with Outputs 1 and 2 plugged into a monitoring system. The drum machine is also connected to the M-Audio Ozone MIDI Out “USB.”


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M-Audio 52803 warranty