Using the Mic and Instrument Inputs
Channel 1 of the M-Audio Ozone gives you a high gain, low noise
microphone preamp.It provides a low impedance microphone input on an
XLR connector with optional phantom power.A dynamic, condenser,or
any other type of low impedance microphone will interface easily with the
M-Audio Ozone’s Mic Input.
Channel 2 gives you a high impedance instrument preamp,designed to add
preamp gain to an electric or acoustic guitar,keyboards, or even a high
impedance mic. However,you may also attach a direct box or passive
transformer to the M-Audio Ozone’s Mic Input (Channel 1),which will
then allow you to plug another electric or acoustic guitar or other high
impedance instrument into the M-Audio Ozone’s Mic Input.Additional
information on using the Mic and Instrument Ins will be found in the next
two sections.