ProKeys Sono 61 User Guide | 33 |
Wheel Assignment
It is possible to assign different MIDI controller numbers to the Modulation wheel.. These parameters are called MIDI continuous controllers (MIDI CC).. There are 128 MIDI continuous controllers
C..For these controller values to have any effect on the sound, the receiving software or device has to be able to read and respond to these MIDI controller messages..
Some examples of useful MIDI CCs are:
01 Modulation 07 Volume 10 Pan (balance) 05 Portamento Time
To assign a MIDI controller message to the Modulation wheel:
1.Press the Edit Mode button..
2.Press the black key above F4 (F#4), representing “Wheel Assign..”
3.Use the Numerical Data Entry keys G4 – B5 to enter the number of the MIDI controller you want to assign to the Modulation wheel..
4.Press the Enter key (C6)..
If you make an error while entering the numerical data value, you can press the CANCEL key (C2) to exit Edit mode without changing the MIDI CC assigned to the Modulation wheel..
As an example, let’s assign MIDI CC number 10 to the Modulation wheel. This means the Modulation wheel will control Pan (or balance):
1.Press the Edit Mode button..
2.Press the black key above F4 (F#4), representing “Wheel Assign..”
3.Press A4 to enter “1..”
4.Press G4 to enter “0” so you have entered “10..”
5.Press C6 for “ENTER..”
To re-assign the Modulation wheel to its default function:
1.Press the Edit Mode button..
2.Press the black key above F4 (F#4), representing “Wheel Assign..”
3.Press the F4 key (Default).. When the Default key is pressed, the parameter is reset to its default value, and Performance mode resumes..