JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 243 SESS: 1 OUTPUT: Tue Apr 12 14:52:56 2005 /ford_pdm/ford/own2002/mbs/mpdiff

Maintenance and Specifications

Combine errands and minimize stop-and-go driving.


Keep tires properly inflated and use only recommended size.

Operating a vehicle with the wheels out of alignment will reduce fuel economy.

Use recommended engine oil. Refer to Lubricant specifications in this chapter.

Perform all regularly scheduled maintenance items. Follow the recommended maintenance schedule and owner maintenance checks found in service maintenance section.


Heavily loading a vehicle or towing a trailer may reduce fuel economy at any speed.

Carrying unnecessary weight may reduce fuel economy (approximately 1 mpg [0.4 km/L] is lost for every 400 lb [180 kg] of weight carried).

Adding certain accessories to your vehicle (for example bug deflectors, rollbars/light bars, running boards, ski/luggage racks) may reduce fuel economy.

Using fuel blended with alcohol may lower fuel economy.

Fuel economy may decrease with lower temperatures during the first 8±10 miles (12±16 km) of driving.

Driving on flat terrain offers improved fuel economy as compared to driving on hilly terrain.

Transmissions give their best fuel economy when operated in the top cruise gear and with steady pressure on the gas pedal.

Four-wheel-drive operation (if equipped) is less fuel efficient than two-wheel-drive operation.

Close windows for high speed driving.

EPA window sticker

Every new vehicle should have the EPA window sticker. Contact your authorized dealer if the window sticker is not supplied with your vehicle. The EPA window sticker should be your guide for the fuel economy comparisons with other vehicles.

It is important to note the box in the lower left corner of the window sticker. These numbers represent the Range of MPG (L/100 km)


CIMS #212770

com_drvg-style_maintenance itdseq=302

CIMS #212936 com_conditions itdseq=303

CIMS #212938 com_epa-sticker


PAGE: 243 OP: root EDIT SESSION: 1 DATE: APR 12 2005 at 14:52 JOB: @ibm2/ford_pdm/CLS_ford/GRP_own2002/JOB_mbs/DIV_mpdiff


(OLD=2005 B-Series fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) 2nd Printing (#24721) (Nov-24-2004 11:18:53))

(NEW=2006 B-Series fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) 2006 MBS CNE (#NoEntry) (Apr-12-2005 14:48:18)) 2006 B-Series(mbs), Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt)(own2002), Market: USA (fus)

Page 243
Image 243
Mazda 4WD manual Combine errands and minimize stop-and-go driving, Maintenance, Conditions, EPA window sticker