JOBNAME: No Job Name PAGE: 54 SESS: 1 OUTPUT: Tue Apr 12 14:52:56 2005 /ford_pdm/ford/own2002/mbs/mpdiff

Driver Controls

For additional information about the gearshift lever and the transmission control switch operation refer to the Automatic Transmission Operation section of the Driving chapter.


Your vehicle may be equipped with a bed extender designed to extend the pickup box for longer loads.

To extend the bed extender:

1. Lower tailgate.

2. Pull the round knobs on each side of the extender to release it from the pickup box.

3. Pivot extender on to the tailgate.

4.Evenly push down on the extender and push the round knobs in on each side locking it

in place.

Green markings on the shaft indicate the locked position. The locking clip screws below the middle bar can be tightened counterclockwise for extra security.

Note: If the red marking on the

shaft is visible, the bed extender is not locked or properly secured.

To stow the bed extender, follow Steps 1 through 4 in reverse order.

The bed extender may be used to secure a load of up to 100 lb. (46 kg) on the tailgate.

The bed extender should always be kept in the stowed position with the tailgate closed when not in use.

When driving the vehicle off road, the bed extender should be in the stowed position and the tailgate closed.


CIMS #506831

com_bed-extender.225 itdseq=69



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(OLD=2005 B-Series fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) 2nd Printing (#24721) (Nov-24-2004 11:18:53))

(NEW=2006 B-Series fus Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt) 2006 MBS CNE (#NoEntry) (Apr-12-2005 14:48:18)) 2006 B-Series(mbs), Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt)(own2002), Market: USA (fus)

Page 54
Image 54
Mazda 4WD manual BED Extender if Equipped, Art=207cf332a Art=221cf339b