Meridian Digital Telephone IP Adapter Installation and Administration Guide 93
October 2001 Changing configuration settings using Configuration Manager
RLC Connection configuration field descriptionsField Description
Unit ID The RLC’s non-configurable unit ID of 254.
RLC Port Number Enter the RLC voice port number designated for the
Meridian Digital Telephone IP Adapter unit on the RLC
Remote connection configuration property sheet.
IP Connection Click on the Enable option button, if you want to route
calls over your IP network.
Click on the Disable option button, if you do not want to
route calls over your IP network.
IP Connection: IP Address Enter the RLC’s IP address. The Meridian Digital
Telephone IP Adapter unit uses this IP address to connect
to the RLC over the IP network.
IP Connection: IP
Signaling Click on the Permanent option button to configure this
port’s IP connection to be up at all times.
Click on the On Demand option button to configure this
port’s IP connection to be up only when needed.
Refer to “Deployment”, on page 36 for help in determining
which setting to configure.
PSTN Connection This setting does not apply to Meridian Digital Telephone
IP Adapters.
PSTN Connection: PSTN
Number to Connect to
This setting does not apply to Meridian Digital Telephone
IP Adapters.