96 Meridian Digital Telephone IP Adapter Installation and Administration Guide
Using the digital telephone Standard 1.1
Modes of operation
Digital telephones at your Meridian Digital Telephone IP Adapter unit site can
operate in the following modes:
!online to host PBX
!offline from host PBX

Host-controlled mode

Host-controlled mode means that the host PB X controls the following:
!some display messages that appear on your telephone
!indicator updates such as the message waiting indicator
!calls that you receive from or place to someone at the host PBX site
In host-controlled mode, a voice path is established to the host PBX and
signaling messages are passed between the host PBX and the Meridian Digital
Telephone IP Adapter unit.

Online mode

When in online mode, calls initiated on the host calling key are directed through
the host PBX. The display on your digital telephone set shows Online Mode.

Offline mode

When in offline mode, you cannot place or receive calls through the host PBX.
The display on all digital telephone sets show Offline Mode.

What controls the online and offline modes

The online and offline modes can be controlled by one or both of the following:
!online/offline schedule configured for your site on the RLC at the host PBX