194 Meridian Digital Telephone IP Adapter Installation and Administration Guide
Glossary Standard 1.1
computer-based training
A type of education that students learn by running special training programs on a
computer. CBT is especially effective for training people to use computer
applications, because the CBT program can be integrated with the applications.
Configuration Manager
The software application used to configure and administer remote units and the
RLC port that they are connected to.
controller board
A special type of expansion board that contains a controller for a peripheral
device. When you attach new devices to a computer, such as a disk drive, often a
controller board must also be added.
See central processing unit.
CPU clock
The clock that regulates the execution of instructions inside a compu ter. See also
real-time clock.
A serious computer failure whereby the computer stops working or a program
closes unexpectedly. A crash indicates a hardware malfunction or a serious
software bug.
customer local area network
The LAN that your corporate services and resources connect to. The RLC and its
associated remote units both connect to the CLAN.
D daughterboard
Usually used as a synonym for an expansion board, a daughterboard is any
printed circuit board that connects directly or indirectly to a motherboard.