18 Meridian Digital Telephone IP Adapter Installation and Administration Guide
Meridian Digital Telephone IP Adapter description Standard 1.1
System securityThere are two levels of security that you can set to control access from Meridi an
Digital Telephone IP Adapter units to the RLC on the host PBX. This section
describes these security levels and how you can manage them using
Configuration Manager.
No security
When no security measures are used, the RLC accepts incoming calls from all
Meridian Digital Telephone IP Adapter units.
Use this level with caution as it exposes the RLC to unauthorized use. For
example, No security allows a user from an unauthorized remote site can
accidentally, or intentionally, connect to the RLC. With this connection made,
the unauthorized user can now place long distance phone calls through the RLC
and the host PBX.
Security identifier
When you choose the security identifier level of security, the Meridian Digital
Telephone IP Adapter automatically sends its configured security identifier
(password) for each connection request. The RLC compares the identifier
configured to the RLC port with the identifier assigned to the Meridian Digital
Telephone IP Adapter. If the identifiers match, then the RLC grants the
requested connection.
If the identifiers do not match, then the RLC records an event in the Meridian
Digital Telephone IP Adapter system log. You can view the system log in
Configuration Manager. The telephone displays HOSTLESS MODE, indicating that
communications with the host PBX are dow n .