Meridian Digital Telephone IP Adapter Installation and Administration Guide 215
October 2001 Glossary
telephone application programming interface
A term that refers to the Windows Telephony API. TAPI is a changing (i.e.
improving) set of functions supported by Windows that allow Windows
applications to program telephone-line based devices such as single and multi-
line phones (both digital and analog), modems and fax machines in a device-
independent manner.
The science of translating sound into electrical signals, transmitting them, and
then converting them back to sound. The term is used frequently to refer to
computer hardware and software that perform functions traditionally performed
by telephone equipment.
See trivial file transfer protocol.
A value for a statistic that system handling of the statistic changes at.
threshold class
A set of options that specifies how statistics are treated in reports and real-time
displays. See also pegging threshold.
Token Ring
A PC network protocol developed by IBM. A Token Ring network is a type of
computer network whereby all the computers are arranged schematically in a
trivial file transfer protocol
A simplified version of FTP that transfers files but does not provide password
protection or user-directory capability. It is associ ated with the TCP/ IP family of
protocols. TFTP depends on the connectionless datagram delivery service, UDP.
A communications link between a PBX and the public central office, or between
PBXs. Various trunk types provide services such as Direct Inward Dialing
(DID), ISDN, and central office connectivity.