Meridian Digital Telephone IP Adapter Installation and Administration Guide 189
10BaseT Ethernet
The Ethernet standard for baseband local area networks us ing twisted-pair cable
carrying 10 megabits per second (Mbps) in a star topology.
A A-law
A companding technique used in encoding and decoding audio signals in
30-channel pulse code modulated (PCM) systems. A-law companding is the
primary method used in Europe. See also Mu-law.
Hardware required to support a particular device. For example, network adapters
provide a port for the network wire. Adapters can be expansion boards or part of
the computer’s main circuitry.
A user who is responsible for maintaining the RLC or its associated remote
A person who is responsible for handling customer calls.
The type of signal used by most telephone connections. A modem converts a
digital (computer) signal to analog, and vice versa, so that the signal can travel
through telephone lines.
See application program interface.
A program that runs on a computer.