8. Power on the LX-300, and observe the System LED and Frame Status displays. A detailed description of the
boot process is provided in the LX-300 Start Up Routine (p. 7).
9. Within four seconds of power-on, the System LED must display and remain solid green (except after the first
all-indicators-on test, when it will momentarily flicker red). Wait for the LX-300 to finish booting.
The system has successfully booted with the Frame Status shows an animated "-OK-" message and the Status LED
displays solid green.
Restoring Processor Modules
If installing the LX-DSP, LX-VRA, LX-EXP, or LX-ELC processor modules, it may be necessary to:
Erase and restore the System Flash firmware ("87"). Please refer to Firmware Updates (p. 11) for instructions.
Erase and restore the EtherTracks Flash Memory ("83"). Please refer to Firmware Updates (p. 11) for instructions.
Erase the User Flash Memory ("89"), clearing all cue automation programs. The procedure is described below.
Erasing Flash Memory
1. Record the Frame ID so that it can be restored after erasing flash memory.
2. Power-off the LX-300. Please wait ten seconds before power-off and power-on.
3. Set the Frame ID to "89" (Erase User Flash Memory).
4. Power-on the LX-300 and observe the front panel lights. Within one minute, the Frame Status will display
"DONE", followed by its "REBO" reboot message.
5. Power-off the LX-300 and restore the Frame ID to its original value.
Removal and Installation of Modules