4. Advanced Operations

Setting the trap timer

The Set Traptime command sets the timer period between repeated error-condition traps. The valid range for the timer period is 1 to 65535 (in seconds).

The default value for the timer period is 60 seconds.

To set the trap timer:

At the AmpMeter PDU: prompt, type set traptime, followed by the timer period and press Enter.


The following sets the timer period to 180 seconds:

AmpMeter PDU: set traptime 180<Enter>

Setting the Get/Set community strings

AmpMeter PDU supports two SNMP community strings that provide varying levels of access to objects defined in the AmpMeter PDU3 MIB.

Community strings may be 1 to 24 characters.


The Setcomm string provides read-write access to AmpMeter PDU3 MIB objects.

The default Setcomm string is “private”

To set the Setcomm community string:

At the AmpMeter PDU: prompt, type set snmp setcomm, followed by the string and press Enter.


The Getcomm string provides read-only access to AmpMeter PDU3 MIB objects.

The default Getcomm string is “public”.

To set the Getcomm community string:

At the AmpMeter PDU: prompt, type set snmp getcomm, followed by the string and press Enter.

Setting the Trap community string

The Set SNMP Trapcomm command is used to set the community string that is included with all generated traps. This string must be defined to enable trap generation.

The trap community string may be 1 to 24 characters.

The default Trapcomm string is “trap”.

To set the Trapcomm community string:

At the AmpMeter PDU: prompt, type set snmp trapcomm, followed by the string and press Enter.

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