10. Edit web.config.

You need to edit the web.config file found in the root of the ImportManaegr 2008 installation (usually C:\Program Files\CRM Extensions\ImportManager 2008\web.config).

Locate the “add” tag (usually on line 22) and inside the “connectionString” value, locate the part that sa “Source=.;”. Change the dot to your database name, unless you simply run on the local database, whic is the same. E.g. .\IM2008 would be the same as local\IM2008

11. Connect.

Open a browser to the address http://localhost:5544/ and it should look something along the lines of the screen to the right. In the “Links” section to the right, click the “Import Manager 2008 Client” link.

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Microsoft C360 manual Edit web.config, Connect